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Found 43827 results for any of the keywords retrieved 2023 04. Time 0.010 seconds.
HP ProBook - WikipediaThe ProBook B-series was announced on October 13, 2009, replacing the previous HP Compaq B-series with similar design in early models. All models still have a CD drive bay, docking port, pointstick options, screen latche
The Thinker - WikipediaRodin conceived the figure as part of his work The Gates of Hell commissioned in 1880, but the first of the familiar monumental bronze castings was made in 1904, and is now exhibited at the Musée Rodin, in Paris.
Cleaner - WikipediaIts first recorded use meaning caretaker of a building, man employed to see that rooms are kept clean was in 1708. 6
Reputation management - WikipediaThe field of public relations has evolved with the rise of the internet and social media. Reputation management is now broadly categorized into two areas: online reputation management and offline reputation management.
History of chess - WikipediaChess spread directly from the Middle East to Russia, where chess became known as шахматы (shakhmaty, literally checkmates , a plurale tantum).
Media (communication) - WikipediaThe term medium (the singular form of media) is defined as one of the means or channels of general communication, information, or entertainment in society, as newspapers, radio, or television. 10
Hydroelectricity - WikipediaChina added 24 GW in 2022, accounting for nearly three-quarters of global hydropower capacity additions. Europe added 2 GW, the largest amount for the region since 1990. Meanwhile, globally, hydropower generation increas
Unicode - WikipediaIn this document, entitled Unicode 88, Becker outlined a scheme using 16-bit characters: 7
Rich Internet Application - WikipediaJava applets were used to create interactive visualizations and to present video, three-dimensional objects and other media. Java applets were appropriate for complex visualizations that required significant programming
Garage door - WikipediaSingle-panel doors are constructed from one monolithic panel. A single panel door swings up and overhead with a hinge on each side (jamb-type hardware) to a fully open position from the closed position. A disadvantage of
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